Lyrics to Underdog's theme song
When criminals in this world appear
and break the laws that they should fear
And frighten all who see or hear,
the cry goes up both far and near
for Underdog! Underdog! Underdog! Underdog!
Speed of lightning, roar of thunder,
fighting all who rob or plunder!
Underdog! Underdog! Underdog!
When in this world the head lines read
those whose hearts are filled with greed,
Who rob and steal from those who need,
right this wrong with blinding speed,
Goes Underdog! Underdog! Underdog! Underdog!
Speed of lightning, roar of thunder,
fighting all who rob or plunder!
Underdog! Underdog! Underdog!
And when our woeful monologue
how by evil we’ve been flogged
Then breaking through the clouds and fog
plane, nor bird, nor even frog
Comes Underdog! (Underdog!) Underdog!
Now unleash the Dog of Wonder
tearing evil’s bonds asunder
Underdog. Underdog!
W. Watt Biggers |

This is a chalk trompe a l'oeil on a sidewalk.
It's a funny
thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you
very often get it.
— W. Somerset Maugham
If you have an amusing picture of your
own, an aphorism worth passing on, or a wholesome giggle, send it along
to us
You will see it on this page one of these days! (Please be
sure to give credit where credit is due so that we can, too!) |